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Why They Do Sweeps

Sweepstakes and contests have been around for a very long time. The term “sweepstakes” dates all the way back to the 15th century! The term was created in reference to a common game where everyone placed in a “stake” and the winner thus “swept,” aka won, the stakes. 

Are You in a Winning State?

Are You in a Winning State?

There may or may not be a reason, but some states seem to be the home to more winners than others. The question we may be wondering is why this occurs. Are they lucky, or is there something else...

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Applying for Your Favorite Gameshow

Applying for Your Favorite Gameshow

We all love to watch game shows like “Jeopardy,” “Who Wants to be a Millionaire” (sadly this show is running its final season), and “The Amazing Race.” A lot of us have even followed the show for so...

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