Raise the Bar

Raise the Bar

Raise the Bar Saving your money and raising the bar to your savings account is all about planning, making goals and being mindful of where your dollars are going. It’s also about sacrifice, flexibility, and adapting now so you’ll have more for later (retirement). You...
Why Do Your Parents Still Play Those Numbers?

Why Do Your Parents Still Play Those Numbers?

Why Do Your Parents Still Play Those Numbers? Why does anyone still gamble in general? Everyone knows it’s a waste of money and the machine are faulty. We can get into the studies on the average of people with gambling problems. But, let us not jump to...
The Truth of Hitting it Big

The Truth of Hitting it Big

The Truth of Hitting it Big Don’t we all have grandiose dreams of all that we’ll do if we ever won an enormous amount of money? It’s practically an American Dream! But the windfall that drastically changes people’s lives are the ones that don’t last. Those are the...
How to Stand Out

How to Stand Out

How to Stand Out If you’ve ever entered a sweepstake or contest before, you have the feeling the odds aren’t really in your favor or to win would be a stroke of pure luck.  Online sweepstakes are getting increasingly popular and actually are easier to win than the old...
What Would You Do?

What Would You Do?

What Would You Do? If you were to win the lottery, what would you do with your winnings? Everyone has their dreams and fantasies of what they would do if they suddenly came into massive amounts of cash. If you actually came into a large sum of money though would you...
The Art of “Sweeping”

The Art of “Sweeping”

The Art of “Sweeping” Sweeping is a term used to describe hobbyists who enter sweepstakes in their spare time. The level of commitment and organization required to be successful with this pastime is impressive. Here are some of the techniques sweepers use...
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