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Big Prizes

Why They Do Sweeps

Sweepstakes and contests have been around for a very long time. The term “sweepstakes” dates all the way back to the 15th century! The term was created in reference to a common game where everyone placed in a “stake” and the winner thus “swept,” aka won, the stakes. 

Is Playing a Waste of Time?

Is Playing a Waste of Time?

The idea of winning the lottery is a dream millions of people share. While it's fun and exciting to imagine everything you could accomplish if you won a substantial cash prize, the odds really...

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The Craziest Prizes Ever Won

The Craziest Prizes Ever Won

Usually when entering a contest or sweepstakes you are looking to win a giant prize like a trip around the world or a car with all the bells and whistles.  Sometimes winning isn’t as glamourous as...

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Trivia Scandals

Trivia Scandals

Nobody can claim that they “invented” trivia. Knowing random stuff for fun has surely been interesting since the first humans began retaining knowledge for survival. As competitive people, it’s no...

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