Reminders Before You Submit an Entry

Apr 26, 2023 | Articles

Submitting your entry can take a lot of time, so it’s important to make sure you’ve completed your application completely and correctly. We have some reminders to make sure you’ve set up your entry for success. 

Read the fine print.

The last thing you want to do before you submit your entry is read the fine print, but it may be the key to whether you win or simply offer your information for free. Make sure you’ve followed all of the directions and know what you’re get into after you hit enter. The fine print can also reveal important tips and reveal the true amounts of what you could win. 

Check for typos.

Make sure you’ve dotted your i’s and crossed your t’s. This is especially important when you’re putting in your contact information. Can you imagine if your name was “Morgan” and you forgot the “m” then the form would read “organ” which would be a shame if you won. So, make sure you check for typos, especially your name!

Complete all of the requirements.

This sounds like an obvious thing to do, but you would be surprised at how many people get disqualified for missing the fine print and not completing a critical requirement. Some of the other things participants usually miss when addressing requirements is: taking action to actually claim your prizes, limited amount of time for submission, and even filling out an affidavit. 

Look for ways to maximize your entries. 

If you really want to see that prize truck roll up into your driveway you need to organize yourself and commit to your entries. Get a process and stay organized, the less time it takes you to submit your entry forms, the more chances you will have. However, don’t forget that just because you enter more it doesn’t mean you will automatically start winning. Read through the rules, visit the sponsors’ websites, and document your answers so you have they stored in a centralized area.

Is this truly what you want? 

Does it work with your schedule? Are you prepared to fully commit to this? If you’ve answered yes to these questions then start setting aside time to enter daily, figure out what you’re hoping to win and prioritize your efforts. Make sure you don’t cheat (even accidentally), take advantage of any bonus entries the sponsor is extending, and lastly if you’re fully committed to this, don’t forget to about the sweepstakes/entries you have taken the time to enter! Whether you’re documenting it in an excel document or keeping post it notes in a journal, make sure you are recording your entries before moving on.

Now you’re all set and ready to go. Good luck with your entry and enjoy your winnings! 

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