Insider Knowledge: Tips and Tricks for Winning Sweepstakes

Mar 3, 2023 | Articles

While many people may believe that winning any sweepstakes is all about luck, the biggest asset for successful contestants is often strategic thinking and hard work. Here are three things that sweepstakes winners do to increase their chances of winning.

Adopt the mindset of a sweepstakes host

Suppose you have a company to promote and a considerable number of items to give away, such as merchandise or concert tickets. In that case, your primary objective would be to generate as much attention as possible by running a sweepstake and awarding a single winner. However, small brands may struggle with this challenge because the number of people who hear about their sweepstakes may be limited, resulting in fewer entrants. While this is a problem for the company, it can present an opportunity for you. If you were to enter such sweepstakes and promote the brand and its giveaway on your social media accounts to generate interest, you would likely have a higher chance of winning.

Look for new sweepstakes using search engines:

Although you may be following all your local businesses on social media, it’s easy to miss a few sweepstakes since social platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok can be very busy. To avoid missing out, it’s a good idea to search for relevant keywords such as “giveaway,” “sweepstakes,” “win tickets,” etc. from time to time. If you come across any new sweepstakes, be sure to submit your entry promptly

Become the type of entrant who is selected:

While some sweepstakes hosts randomly select a winner, others may vet the winner before making an announcement. Sweepstakes hosts and administrators prefer to choose someone who appears enthusiastic about their brand and is likely to speak highly of the company after winning. To demonstrate that you’re genuinely interested in the brand, it’s best to enter sweepstakes using your real account, especially for social media promotions.

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