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Why They Do Sweeps

Sweepstakes and contests have been around for a very long time. The term “sweepstakes” dates all the way back to the 15th century! The term was created in reference to a common game where everyone placed in a “stake” and the winner thus “swept,” aka won, the stakes. 

Sweepstakes Lingo

Sweepstakes Lingo

In the online Sweepstakes and Contests world there is some lingo that the average person might not be familiar with. Below we will go through some of the more common phrases and words you’ll likely...

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Sweepstakes Tips & Tricks

Sweepstakes Tips & Tricks

Sweepstakes are a fun and relatively effortless way to win cash prizes and giveaways! You probably think of winning a sweepstakes as a matter of pure luck. In a sense that’s true, but we’re going to...

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Taxes on Winnings

Taxes on Winnings

If you live in the United States it is important to know that if you win sweepstakes prizes, you need to declare them on your taxes. The IRS will expect you to declare your sweepstakes taxes on your...

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