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Why They Do Sweeps

Sweepstakes and contests have been around for a very long time. The term “sweepstakes” dates all the way back to the 15th century! The term was created in reference to a common game where everyone placed in a “stake” and the winner thus “swept,” aka won, the stakes. 

What to Do if You Win the Lottery

What to Do if You Win the Lottery

Winning the lottery changes your life completely. It can be for the better, or it can even be for the worst. Whether for good or bad depends on what you do before claiming the winning ticket, and...

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The Preeminent Sweepstakes Guide

The Preeminent Sweepstakes Guide

Do you dream of winning a sweepstake? We're here to help you achieve that dream with our comprehensive guide. Before diving into the world of sweepstakes, it's essential to understand the process....

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